Senior Marine modeller scientist

Maria Ching Villanueva

Maria Ching Villanueva

French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea, IFREMER Centre de Brest

IFREMER 1625 Route de Sainte-Anne
29280 - Bretagne | France

+33 0298224610

Senior Marine modeller scientist

- Climate Change
- Marine Biology
- Marine Geology
- Marine policy
- Ocean Exploration
- Ocean Science Education
- Ocean Science Technology

North Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, Carribean

English, French, Spanish


My research is based on fundamental, theoretical and empirical studies and focuses on evaluating functional ecology of aquatic, and even terrestrial, resources such as prey-predator dynamics, ecological niches, trophic networks at different biological levels (species, population and ecosystem), principally to provide support to different stakeholders and achieve sustainable management of their resources. Other research interests includes biodiversity and resilience, eco-toxicology, socio-ecological modeling, socio-economics, social sciences among some.