Aurora Requena
marine educator, L'Ametlla de Mar, Tarragona, Espanya

Degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Master’s degree in Marine Science. Although she comes from inland, far away from the coast, Aurora has always been passionate about the sea and concerned for the conservation of the marine environment. She has participated in environmental and social associations and other projects, with a large part of her time and effort devoted to environmental work in the tertiary or service sector, including the conservation and management of natural areas, and educational projects (such as work camps in Natural Parks and recycling work-shops) as well as the day-to-day administration, fund-raising, and management of projects for different organizations. Aurora has also trained as an environmental educator, with further studies in environmental journalism, management of natural areas and sea-coastal areas, service industry management, business administration, accounting and other subjects, as well as becoming a fully qualified diving instructor and obtaining her boat skipper’s license. Aurora loves working in a group and achieving shared goals. She has a great capacity for communication, and a keen interest in science and administration. As well as being a founding partner of the firm, she works as a supervisor, instructor, project manager, event organizer, and administrator at Plàncton – with a keen eye on the numbers, as we often hear her ask “OK, but how much does it cost?”