Dina Eparkhina
Senior Policy and Communications Officer, Brussels, Belgium

Dina Eparkhina coordinates policy, stakeholder engagement, and communication activities at EuroGOOS, the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), coordinated by the UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Dina has initiated the EuroGOOS ocean literacy activities, wrote a child book, and is member of several panels on science communication as well as gender, diversity, and inclusion. Since 2019, she is developing the EuroGOOS Ocean Literacy Network showcasing the societal engagement activities of the EuroGOOS’ 44 member organizations and linking with other European and international efforts. She was co-organizer of the first IOC-UNESCO Ocean Literacy Summit in 2020 and has been on programme committees of various ocean science and observing events, including at the European Parliament or as part of the national presidencies of the Council of the European Union. Dina has a multidisciplinary background in philology, cultural management, and pedagogy, and has been working at the ocean science-policy interface since 2007.