Laura Merilainen
Communication officer, Glasgow, UK

The One Ocean Hub is an international programme of research for sustainable development, working to promote fair and inclusive decision-making for a healthy ocean whereby people and the planet can flourish. The One Ocean Hub aims to transform our response to the urgent challenges facing our ocean and influence decisions and practices that shape the future of the ocean by promoting sustainability and justice. Our research seeks to bridge current disconnections in law, science and policy and integrate governance frameworks to balance multiple ocean uses with conservation. We strive to empower communities – especially women and children – most reliant upon the oceans to inform decisions based on multiple values and knowledge systems. We bring together coastal people, researchers, decision makers, civil society, and international organisations to value, and learn from, different forms of knowledge and voices. Our 126 researchers specifically address challenges and opportunities in South Africa, Namibia, Ghana, Fiji and Solomon Islands, through collaborative and transdisciplinary research. We also have an area of ‘international’ work that focuses on international law and policy governing the ocean.