Alejandra Maria CORNEJO
Institutional Relations Coordinator - Communications Support, Buenos Aires, CABA, Argentina

I am a Marine Biologist. I am also a Specialist in Marine Fisheries, Postgraduate from Mar del Plata National University (Argentine). Since 2000 I have been working at the Center for Development and Sustainable Fisheries (CeDePesca), an international NGO with representation in Chile, Brazil, Peru, Panama and Mexico that works for sustainable fisheries in Latin America. Currently I work as Project Leader in the following fisheries: 1) Red shrimp fishery (Pleoticus muelleri) of the port of Rawson, Shrimp fishery (Pleoticus muelleri) of national waters, Common hake fishery (Merluccius hubbsi), and Patagonian toothfish fishery (Dissostichus eleginoides). I have conducted and passed regular trainings of the Marine Stewardship Council Assessment Methodology, in 2014, revalidated in 2018. I am also Coordinator of the World Ocean Network in Latin America. I have been a UNESCO-BAC (Biotechnology Action Council) fellow, with a Specialization at the Fisheries Research Center, Havana, Cuba. I was also an intern at the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences "Bernardino Rivadavia". Ichthyology Division, and in the Laboratory of Population Ecology of the Institute of Limnology "Raul Ringuelet".