Ocean Literacy Training Courses
Ocean Literacy training courses are developed by IOC/UNESCO, specifically targeting educators, media and government officials. The training courses are hosted on IOC/UNESCO’s training platform, the OceanTeacher Global Academy.
The courses include lectures, case-studies, video messages from guest speakers, activities, quizzes, and online forums, as well as recorded webinars.

Formal and non-formal Educators
Educating about the Ocean: Waves of change
Course Length: ~ 10.5h
This course will provide a general overview of the importance of the ocean, the challenges it faces, and ways forward for sustainability. It will introduce the concept of Ocean Literacy, describe its basic principles, tools and approaches, and provide understanding on how educators can incorporate Ocean Literacy in their work.

Media and Press
iSea Stories: understanding the Ocean for media and press
Course Length: ~ 10.5h
Media and press are key players to advance ocean sustainability. This course will provide an overview of the importance of the ocean, challenges faced by the ocean and innovative solutions and case-studies to address these. It will provide insights and tools to allow the development of attractive, accurate and effective story telling about the ocean in media and press. This online course is the first of its kind for journalists and media representatives.

Government Officials
Mainstreaming Ocean Literacy in Governance
Course Length: ~ 10.5h
The ocean provides numerous public benefits yet there is a pressing need to further mainstream Ocean Literacy in governance. Ocean Literacy (OL) is ‘the understanding of human influence on the Ocean and the Ocean’s influence on people’. This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability.

General Public
Ocean Literacy: Why the ocean should matter to us all
Course Length: ~ 6h
This course will provide a general overview of the importance of the ocean, the challenges it faces, and ways forward for sustainability. It will introduce the concept of Ocean Literacy, describe its basic principles, tools and approaches, and give a basic understanding of how a wide spectrum of stakeholders and social actors can support Ocean Literacy. It ultimately expects to encourage participants to incorporate Ocean Literacy in their work and everyday lives.
What will I learn?
- What is Ocean Literacy?
- The Principles of Ocean Literacy.
- The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the role of Ocean Literacy in the Decade.
- Brief introduction to the SDGs, SDG 14 and its connection to other SDGs and Ocean Literacy.
- How to adapt Ocean Literacy to your sector or context.
Who should take the training courses?
The Ocean Literacy training courses target four distinct groups: Educators, Media Professionals, Government officials and the Civil Society. The course contents are tailored to the needs of the four specific groups.
How do I access the course contents?
The Ocean Literacy training courses are available through the OceanTeacher Global Academy e-Learning Platform of IOC. In order to follow any course(s) you need to create an account on OceanTeacher.
When I finish the training will I receive a certificate?
No, certificates are not provided to the self-paced courses.
Are there any costs to follow the course(s)?
No, the courses are provided for free.
What is the language of the training course(s)?
This first edition of the 4 courses will be held in English.
Have a question about the Ocean Literacy training courses? Write to us at oceanliteracy@unesco.org