ARTABRO 2 Towards the integral management of the marine SPAs of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula

Towards the integral management of the marine SPAs of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula
(Information available in Spanish and Galician)
This project will develop during the year 2021 and we will be raising the different resources as the different actions are realized.
The Galician coast is one of the places of the planet in which in a more obvious way there come together activities as the fishing, the maritime, the port or the tourist with a rich biodiversity and, at the same time, with an important record of environmental catastrophes in the marine area. In particular, this territory possesses a special relevancy for the conservation of the European and global populations of an important number of threatened species, protected at legal level by means of the declaration of diverse Special Protection Areas for the Birds (SPA) in the marine and coastal way.
The project ÁRTABRO 2 arises as the second phase of the project ÁRTABRO BIRDS, developed by the CEIDA during the year 2019, and that was trying to sit the bases for the declaration of a SPA for the conservation of the population of shag, the concentrations of pardela and the migratory step of sea birds in the territory of the Ártabro Gulf. This SPA would be placed between another two existing ones, the SPA of the Costa da Morte and the SPA of the Coast of Ferrolterra-Valdoviño, them connecting in one big marine area protected in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, very near also to the SPA Marine of Punta Candelaria, Ria of Ortigueira and Estaca de Bares, and including this way big part of the coast of the province of A Coruña. The target of ÁRTABRO 2 is, therefore, contribute to the conservation of the sea birds of Europe across the integral management of these marine spaces Nature 2000.
- To improve the scientific knowledge of the populations of present sea birds in the Ártabro Gulf and the marine SPA of the province of A Coruña, and of his state of conservation.
- To identify the principal impacts on the sea birds and his habitats in this territory.
- To evaluate the incidence of the mortality in fishing-tackles in this territory.
- To propose measurements of conservation and management of these populations of sea birds and of his habitats.
- To know and to spread between the group of fishermen and the society in general good practices on the subject of harmonization of fishing and conservation of sea birds, as well as the importance of the conservation of the marine biodiversity.
- To facilitate the social participation, especially of the fishing sector, in the decision making on the management of the marine protected areas.
- To propose measurements of integral management of the marine way in this territory, especially in relation to the marine traffic, fishing and public use.
- Block A. Progress of the scientific knowledge of the sea birds of the ambience of study:
- Censuses are given by reproductive population of ashen pardela, shag, paíño European and other possible species of interest gull, Atlantic gabion, European oystercatcher, shaded gull).
- Pursuit of the migratory step of sea birds, centred fundamentally on the postwedding step in Estaca de Bares.
- Analysis of the use of the space on the part of the key species.
- Ringing scientist campaign of gull and shag, to evaluate his population dynamics.
- Analysis of genetic changeability of shag.
- Study of the presence of exotic predators (cat, mink, rat) in the baby’s principal colonies.
- Protection and consolidation of colonies of paíño European of minor size (as A Marola) by means of the installation of boxes nest and pursuit of his occupation.
- Block B. Identification of impacts, threats and interactions between the sea birds and activity socio-economic of the territory:
- Special interest groups for the identification of impacts and threats.
- Seminar on sustainability of the human activities in the marine and coastal SPA.
- Formation of voluntary services in the achievement of works of identification of impacts in the marine way and of censuses from craft.
- Block C. Interactions between fishing activity and sea birds in the territory:
- Special interest groups on interactions between fishing and sea birds.
- Participatory process for the fishing sector: meetings and interviews.
- Scientific shipments on board on fishing ships to evaluate the skills of fishing used and the existing interactions.
- Publication between the sector of the good fishing practices of the territory and progress of the knowledge of the sea birds with those who share this space: editions of materials.
- Block D. Informative campaign for the society in general:
- Informative chats in different spaces and localities of the territory.
- Laboratory of Civil Innovation.
- Block D. Conclusions and results:
- Making of a final report of results and a proposal for the integral management of the territory.