Ist Haiti Maritime Conference – 2023: “Blue Economy and least developed Countries: The case of Haiti”
1 Oct 2023 @ 10:00am - 2 Oct 2023 @ 1:00pm

The Blue Economy and least-developed countries (LDCs): The case of Haiti
As the world grows increasingly conscious of the vital importance of ocean and the blue economy, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) face particular challenges to raise awareness, let alone gear up their economy, regulations and communitites towards sustainable maritime development.
This event will explore the challenges and opportunities of one particular LDC, the republic of Haiti, the Caribbean country plagued with monumental challenges such as extreme poverty, physical and food insecurity and governance challenges.
The conference will take place entirely online, in webinar format, and will consist of six (6) interventions on different aspects of the blue economy – maritime transportation, coastal tourism and resilience, fisheries and aquaculture etc.
Keynote speakers and participation link on our social media, and our website: