Alba Hernández Otero
Communication officer, Vigo, Pontevedra, España

I´m a marine biologist with a PhD in Marine Sciences, specialized in artisanal fisheries management and science communication. I have completed the master's degree in Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Systems (IUSC) and the doctoral thesis on the biology of the razor and its application to the Plan of Exploitation of the Ría de Pontevedra (University of Vigo). During the last 15 years I have worked in environmental education programs on the marine environment in various companies and NGOs (3 years), in research projects (8 years), and in research support activities, mainly in the taking of samples by scientific diving (7 years), processing of histological samples (1 year) and the culture of mollusks and crustaceans (2 years). In the last 10 years I have been in charge of the maintenance of the ECIMAT website and of all the scientific outreach activities of the Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo, currently being the Center's communication and dissemination manager.