CEIDA Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia
Enviromental Education Center, 15179 Porto de Santa Cruz, La Coruña, España

CEIDA is a Reference Center in Environmental Education. The Center for University Extension and Environmental Disclosure of Galicia (CEIDA) was created in the 90s, although its management project began in 2001. It is a Center for Environmental Education promoted by the Government of Galicia, the University of A Coruña and the Oleiros City Council, with the aim of being the Reference Center for Environmental Education in Galicia, an autonomous community located in the northwest of Spain, which has a historical and differentiated personality, which shares cultural proximity with Portugal, since the language of Galicia and Portuguese have a common origin. The work undertaken throughout the management period that began in 2001 obeys the following objectives: - Promote permanent contact with Galician institutions and with other institutions to coordinate strategies for sustainability. - Promote actions of orientation and technical and professional advice in occupational and work contexts. - Provide support and technical advice to different promoters of environmental education in Galicia. Promote forums, conferences and meetings that allow an exchange of experiences. - Develop environmental education initiatives aimed at different sectors of society (technicians and professionals of public services, environmental educators, teachers and other social groups). - Organize in concert with universities, public administrations and other groups of civil society outreach, training and university extension programs that put available educational, research and environmental information resources at the service of society. - Collaborate with university institutions and research centers in the definition of new lines of work that result in the benefit of the community (local, regional, autonomous) and in the establishment of a sustainable way of life. - Promote the integration of environmental education at the different levels of curricular development. Promote the development in educational centers of working groups, workshops, campaigns, etc. Encourage schools to participate and get involved in solving environmental problems and environmental initiatives that arise in their immediate surroundings. - Promote the development of didactic materials for environmental education adapted to the treatment of the corresponding problems. - Promote the design and development of awareness campaigns aimed at the population as a whole or at specific social sectors. - Create data banks that improve the quantity and quality of educational and environmental information available. The objectives indicated here were specified in a series of initiatives and activities that can be structured in the following sections: - Environmental training and dissemination activities: They include different types and formats, such as courses and training sessions, international congresses and seminars, conferences and exhibitions, and guided tours, among others. The balance of the period, in terms of the number of activities and participants in them, is included in the annex at the end of this section. - Start-up and consolidation of the Domingo Quiroga Environmental Documentation Center. Designed to catalog and disseminate all kinds of materials of environmental and educational interest. - Production of training, educational and informative materials, in different media and formats. - Development of environmental education programs. Due to their transversal nature, they include different types of communication and education activities and practices, and have a vocation of continuity over time, that is, of a strategic nature. CEIDA is aware of the need to collaborate in the enhancement of the coast of Galicia to contribute to a dynamic and sustainable management of the territory. The programs developed in this field capture this need and give priority to the dissemination of the values of the Galician coast to the whole society. Since 2001, the beginning of the current CEIDA management period, training, dissemination and information activities have been carried out linked to the conservation of the marine and coastal environment and the promotion of the sustainable use of marine resources.